Thursday, May 12, 2016

I write because.....

I write because, I don't know. I write because I'm really just too stressed. I write because I can't think. I write because I can think. I write because I'm board. I write because I'm frustrated. I write because I because I don't know what else to do. I write because I don't know what is going to happen. I write because I think too much. I write because I'm worried. I write because I don't want to think that my house may just fall down one day. I write because it distracts me. I write because I can actually  know whats going to happen next. I'm writing this to distract myself from the AP Stats test I have today, and even though if I fail that is all that happens, though I don't want to fail, because if I pass I could get collage money, I hope at least. I write because I know that if I don't get scholar ships I might just live in a box. I write because I'm really, really, really STRESSED!!! I write because I know that no one else will judge me for it. I write because I really enjoy it. I write because I need to pass. I write because I'm inspired. I write because I'm uninspired. I write because I need motivation. I write because I upset. I write because I'm happy :). I write because anything that CAN  go wrong WILL go wrong. I write because it helps me think, not just about whatever I'm writing, but about everything else.

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