Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Chinese Counterpart

Hello, hello!  Along with this assignment to send writing to our Chinese counterparts. I believe I have gained two new friends, there names are Daisy and Anne and both are very lovely people. In my replying letter I asked if they had another platform that they preferred to chat on, and both said that they liked WeChat, so Tuesday this week I chatted with Daisy, and early Wednesday morning. This has been a very cool experience and I am glad that got to take this class. Of course the fact that we are 13hr behind does put a damper on the times we can speak to each other without disturbing our sleeping hours. Both of my counterparts, are some of the nicest people I have met, even though there English is a little bad, I understand basically what they are saying. Daisy sent me pictures Saturday of some of the flowers blooming there and she was very excited about the kites being flown. I sent her a photo of me when I was maybe in fifth grade (I think) my grandparents took my cousins  and I to Arkansas Hot Springs I think, and I held an alligator baby ( with its mouth taped) and Daisy called me a ‘Very brave girl.’ We also talked about music we liked and I looked up one of her favorite songs and she told me <<Growl>> by EXO I listened to it and I really had no clue what was being said, but it sounded cool ,to me atleast.

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

I have trouble picking a favorite book or favorite anything really. Really anything I read has something to do with it being dark. The old Grimm Brothers stories about children being brought roughly into this mean world. The story by then I really like is called ‘The Rose’ It’s about a young child who goes out into the woods to collect firewood by himself, and is told not to accept help, and one day the child they do, and then the twist of the story happens, I won't give it away, but it’s worth a good read, its just a few paragraphs long. In my opinion older books are a little better than newer, to me there’s just something that’s missing in the new age books. Then again, I don’t read much, and I’ve really only read old books. Most kids in my English 1 class were bored by “to Kill q Mocking Bird.” but I loved it, even as just a freshman in high school. That, and then when I read “The Great Gatsby”  I don’t think when I was a freshman I understood it as much as I do now reading it again, but I do remember that I enjoyed it. Now that I’m slightly more grown up, I understand it better, instead of being a little upset by Daisy’s I hope she’ll be a fool—that’s the best thing a girl can be in this world, a beautiful little fool”  I can tell you that I was a little bit disturbed when I read this the first time but now that I am a whole two years older I think its in great correlation with the very first important quote in the book “Whenever you feel like criticizing anyone,” he told me, “just remember that all the people in this world haven’t had the advantages that you’ve had.”  This quote may be one of the more important quotes that I have ever read. It really means a lot to me and it should as it sets the tone for the whole story and why things are being done. You can’t judge someone until you know where they came from and what they had to do to get where they are. I think that’s why I like older books, they mostly have a moral to teach at the end for you to guide your life by. For the few books that I have read that are written in present day, have taught me nothing, nothing to form my life on. I’ll admit some new books have meanings to them, I'm sure, as some of the older books have lacked meaning, and I’m sure that I have just had meaning fly over my head on some days. But, I will not reject my statement about older books holding a sort of charm to them, I don’t know if it’s the language they use or the tone they are written in or what, but if you read one, you’ll possibly see the same thing. Though, sometimes older books use more of the pages to tell what has just happened, or what happened to cause what the book is based on, that also could be the reason I like them better, just the format, and the way things are described.