The great big room fills with the warmth of light and the sound of waves crashing upon a golden shore. A small gust of wind cools the room and brings in the fresh air while chasing to old away. Sounds of laughter faded the tick tock of the clock away, the room was at peace. Then, the laughter was gone and the sound of the clock came back, but slightly more there this time. Tick, Tock Tick Tock. Sweeping away the feeling the room had and replacing it with the same old feeling of the plain empty room. Tick Tock Tick Tock. Now the hands of the clock resting on the 3 and the 12.
The plain room fills with the sounds of laughter loud and bellowing out, and the sounds of mumbled music. The colors of balloons and confetti scatter the white floor scattering the feelings of happiness and the joyful sounds of little children. This brought the feelings of nostalgic happiness and of feeling the everything in the world was going to be okay.
Tick Tock Tick Tock. This sound escaping from the clock comes over the sound of laughter and joyful shrieking and loving and hopeful thoughts. These where exchanged with feelings of sadness and the wanting to do more. But yet again the feelings were swept away by the clock, loud and obnoxious the clock chases away good memories and sometimes replacing them with good ones, or maybe bad ones, but will never give back. The ebony and ivory face never forgives and never gives back.
This time the room does not fill with the sounds of laughter or the feelings of good times, nor does it fill with the warmth of the sun, but this time fills with the cool of night, and the darkness of no moon. The feeling of fear and sadness, but of unknowing sadness. Knowing that the feeling the feeling was of sadness but not why. The sounds of wolfs in the night rung out to replace the sound of the beckoning clock growing louder by the minute. The colors of blues and grays flashed over the room, creating emotions with each color. And just as fast as the colors had started they had finished, and the room was empty and emotionless. Blank, the void of everything.
The room came back to the normal blank room, with a different feeling this time. That anxious feeling right before a kid goes to bed on Christmas eve, or on the road to their Grandparents house. If you were to give the room a color, it would be highly pigmented and bright, almost like a neon box of crayons. This ecstatic emotion excited the room and the clock was silent as the room want through a roller coaster of colors. Reds and oranges and pinks as well as warm purples. The room felt like it was spinning round and round. The colors became too painful for the human eyes to look at. The feelings changed from ecstatic to something awful. Something the human brains couldn't put a name too, all emotions at once was what it could be described by.
Yet again the ocean came back with its calming woshing of the waves violently crashing on the golden warm sand. The golden like in the sky had fallen down to the horizon as the water was turned crimson red. The feeling of finally being relaxed came back and over took the air making each breath easier as the sun fell allowing the moon to finally have its time in the high set sky.
The clock came back tick- tock- tick tock. This time relaxing and peacefully taking the last breaths of the relaxing breaths away.
tick tock tick tock.
Tick Tock Tick Tock. This sound escaping from the clock comes over the sound of laughter and joyful shrieking and loving and hopeful thoughts. These where exchanged with feelings of sadness and the wanting to do more. But yet again the feelings were swept away by the clock, loud and obnoxious the clock chases away good memories and sometimes replacing them with good ones, or maybe bad ones, but will never give back. The ebony and ivory face never forgives and never gives back.
This time the room does not fill with the sounds of laughter or the feelings of good times, nor does it fill with the warmth of the sun, but this time fills with the cool of night, and the darkness of no moon. The feeling of fear and sadness, but of unknowing sadness. Knowing that the feeling the feeling was of sadness but not why. The sounds of wolfs in the night rung out to replace the sound of the beckoning clock growing louder by the minute. The colors of blues and grays flashed over the room, creating emotions with each color. And just as fast as the colors had started they had finished, and the room was empty and emotionless. Blank, the void of everything.
The room came back to the normal blank room, with a different feeling this time. That anxious feeling right before a kid goes to bed on Christmas eve, or on the road to their Grandparents house. If you were to give the room a color, it would be highly pigmented and bright, almost like a neon box of crayons. This ecstatic emotion excited the room and the clock was silent as the room want through a roller coaster of colors. Reds and oranges and pinks as well as warm purples. The room felt like it was spinning round and round. The colors became too painful for the human eyes to look at. The feelings changed from ecstatic to something awful. Something the human brains couldn't put a name too, all emotions at once was what it could be described by.
Yet again the ocean came back with its calming woshing of the waves violently crashing on the golden warm sand. The golden like in the sky had fallen down to the horizon as the water was turned crimson red. The feeling of finally being relaxed came back and over took the air making each breath easier as the sun fell allowing the moon to finally have its time in the high set sky.
The clock came back tick- tock- tick tock. This time relaxing and peacefully taking the last breaths of the relaxing breaths away.
tick tock tick tock.